About NextGen
NIRI NY NextGen is a group of the NIRI NY chapter geared specifically to meet the needs of up-and-coming IR professionals who are newer to the workforce and have been in IR for less than five years. NIRI NY strives to be an engaging, educational, and welcoming place for those starting out in investor relations. Whether members are embarking on a role in IR after a stint in equity research, are in a rotational IR spot from finance or elsewhere in their company, or are working as an IR consultant or service provider, NIRI NY NextGen encourages our members to take advantage of the wealth of knowledge in the NIRI community.
NextGen Benefits
Jumpstarting in IR
For public companies and IR consultancies, NIRI NY offers educational insights from experienced practitioners. Newer members are exposed not only to relevant trends – such as shareholder-board communication and international investor outreach – but also to thought leaders with real world context on the fascinating relationships between public companies and their shareholders. Complementing traditional education, NIRI NY NextGen exposes newer members to advanced discussions and develops a more nuanced understanding of approaches in our high-profile profession.
Building Your Network in NYC
With our gatherings in the world-class city known for its finance prowess, NIRI NY NextGen attracts renowned speakers and well-respected IR practitioners. Newer members have the opportunity to hear from experienced professionals, bringing relevant concepts and learnings back to the office. Our collaborative network of professionals can have a powerful and influential impact on your career and organization.
Discounted Membership
A membership in NIRI NY NextGen represents significant savings when compared to the NIRI national membership and the regular NIRI NY chapter membership for the first three years. Members get full benefits of NIRI national as well as the NIRI NY chapter including regular industry updates and publications, various professional development programs as well as peer-to-peer networking in New York City, and access to NIRI’s Career Center.
Include postings to internship and entry-level job opportunities.
Join NextGen
If you are interested in learning more about NIRI NY NextGen, please contact Ailsa Wells (ailsa@getirwin.com).
Connect with us!
LinkedIn: NIRI New York Chapter
Twitter: @niri_ny